THE ALAMO: THE REAL STORY (WILD WEST HISTORY DOCUMENTARY) INVESTIGATES THE HISTORY, MYTH AND POPULAR CULTURE OF THE ALAMO! On March 6, 1836 the 13-day siege of the Alamo ended. Among the dead were three men destined to become martyrs and heroes: David Crockett, James Bowie and William B. Travis. Cries of Remember the Alamo! would eventually fuel an American victory over Mexico. The Alamo and its defenders grew into enduring symbols of courage and sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds. Controversy has always been part of the history and legend of the Alamo. Whether they hold traditional or revisionist views, people are passionate about their opinions. ~Were Crockett, Travis and Bowie a “Holy Trinity“ or less than perfect human beings? ~Why were Tejanos like Juan Seguin, who fought for Texas liberty alongside the Anglos, virtually ignored in history books until recently? ~How did Crockett die? ~Did Travis draw a line in the sand? ~How many defenders
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