FastLED Basics Episode 5 - Multiple patterns using a timer or button
In the 5th episode of FastLED basics, we look at how run multiple patterns, and change them either on a timer or by pushing a button. We will then look at crossfading between patterns to provide a more professional look. Finally we will see how and why we might use classes to separate our patterns from each other making it easier to add more patterns or edit the code in the future.
GitHub link for code: Multiple patterns
OneButton library:
EasyButton library:
JC_Button library:
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00:00 - Intro
01:05 - Changing patterns on a timer
02:32 - Changing patterns using a button
05:22 - Crossfading patterns
09:09 - Using classes for simple patterns
12:54 - Classes for more complex patterns
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FastLED Basics Episode 5 - Multiple patterns using a timer or button