Greasy Pole Dance - Finland (1920-1929)

Greasy Pole Dance - on board a ship off the coast of Finland. Group of about 8 young boys aged about 10 years, trying to climb onto and stay straddling a greased pole; sticking out horizontally on a ship’s deck. Lots of slipping and sliding. Funny. Sometimes they all fall down together. CU of a 1-year-old baby standing up; w/ ship’s officer holding the little toddler’s arm. Next the officer stands next to the pole; where all the boys have finally succeeded in sitting in a row. They all fall down again; w/ officer lifting 2 of them down. CU large woman in cloche hat. CU couple. CU 1st woman; w/ another wearing fur round her neck. Shot looking down at crowd of middle-class people on deck. Back at the pole; 2 boys straddling it try to have a pillow fight while crowd watches. Next 2 girls (aged about 12) give it a try. Then a series of pairs of grown men sit on the pole and whack each other w/ pillows; and finally; 2 women. Throughout all this; the spectators are laughing uproariously. Couples danc
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