Lucifer’s Legacy: A Symphony of Sin and Satan’s Soul Child

paul harvey 1965 what the world would be like today if i were the devil In 1965, Paul Harvey, a renowned radio broadcaster, delivered a monologue titled “If I Were the Devil.“ The piece offered a fictional perspective from the devil’s point of view, outlining how he would corrupt society and lead it away from moral values. It’s important to note that Harvey’s monologue was a work of commentary and not a prediction of the future. Make sure to comment, like, and hit that notification bell. *** CLICK BELOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL *** Rumors are pieces of information that have not been verified. What this means, is that the person telling the story does not know for certain if it is true or not. Most of the time, people who spread rumors do not bother to determine if there is any truth to what they are saying. Typically, rumors are spread from person to person and change slightly each time they are told. As a result, they can become exaggerated and altered
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