1. Immortal Rites 00:16
2. Suffocation 04:12
3. Visions from the Dark Side 07:44
4. Maze of Torment 11:56
5. Chapel of Ghouls 17:37
6. Trey’s Guitar Solo 22:16
7. Bleed for the Devil 23:26
8. Damnation 26:10
9. Blasphemy 30:33
10. Lord of All Fevers & Plague (Encore) 35:28
11. Evil Spells (Encore) 39:01
If adverts play during this video then the revenue goes directly to the copyright holders, Earache Records.
This is an unofficial ’remastered’ version I’ve created for myself and other fans, I am not connected with the band or label. A proper remaster would use the original t
...apes, I used the best recording I could find which is from the DVD. The video is now 1080p with various processing done including some noise reduction. The audio is now stereo, the guitars are louder, you can hear the kick drum better, plus various other tweaks that are hopefully improvements.
This concert was filmed on 14th Nov 1989 at Rock City, NottiShow more