Residentes Balearicos - Get Wid It (ft. Antonio Blakstad) - 0255

Our favorite Venetians are releasing their self titled debut album ‘Residentes Balearicos’, releasing the 19th of August. ‘Residentes Balearicos’ → The album is a diverse of balearic wonders for the floors, reflected in the single run. First up, ‘Contigo’, the vibes is classic Balearic, conjuring that mystical languor of shadeless summer days. A coasting groove surrenders itself to breathy vocals -- whispers in the air that give shape to the pleasantries, in rises and falls, hushes and hooks. “Contigo,” they say -- “with you.” Second up, guested by Rheinzand’s Charlotte Caluwaerts on the mic, ‘Happy Sunny Day’ sports that effortless disco twinkle. Perfect for kick-starting the summer. Third up, a bit more fire and guts than what we usually hear from the duo, a bit of that pasodoble temperament in the mix perhaps. Put away the easy smiles and straighten your back for this one. Supported by Koda’s Cultural Funds and Musik Forlæggerne.
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