One Hour of Yugoslav Military Music

I tried to stay away from Partisan songs because I wanted to use more modern JNA songs. That’s why you won’t find the classics from the war in this video. I may do another video for Partisan songs later. = 0:00–16:54 Ground Forces = 0:00 Пешадијо, Пешадијо/Pešadijo, Pešadijo (Infantry, Infantry) 2:58 Косовске Бригаде/Kosovske Brigade (Kosovo Brigade) 6:04 На Татковината/Na Tatkovinata (The Fatherland) 9:19 Ми Смо Млада Војска Титова/Mi Smo Mlada Vojska Titova (We Are Tito’s Young Army) 12:00 Куд Народна Војска Прође/Kud Narodna Vojska Prođe (Wherever the People’s Army Passes) 13:30 Сви Смо Једна Армија/Svi Smo Jedna Armija (We Are All One Army)
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