#SoulWagon, #AustinMusic, #music, #AustinJazz, #jazzmusic, #ATXJazz, #CentralMarketEvents, #AustinTexas, #Austin, #MusicVenues, #ATX
My uploads are comprised of video I’ve shot, in Austin; Rosedale Neighborhood, Hyde Park, on Shoal Creek, and for the musicians., when I can find ’em! Found ’em up on the porch, the other night, at Central Market North Lamar, in ATx.
I hope you will watch the whole video, just so I can up these general settings, in order to get more views for the musicians I shoot. I appreciate that, and am sure they would, too.
It is wild in Austin; really wild, I tell you!
Here’s some of Austin coming back! I hope it all comes back.