If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe :) If you like what we do and want to support, check out our online shop... #bmx #ourbmx All those gripes about having no practice were gone, as the final 8 had plenty of time to sort their run for the finals. And, as you’ll see, they went for broke.... Shout out to for helping support our event coverage. Support the brands that make the content/projects you enjoy possible. Plus, their grips are the best. WHAT IS OUR BMX?! In short, we are the Ride BMX staff out on our own. We’re building from the ground up and our goal is pretty simple. We want to continue what we love. We want to create great content, feature awesome riders, and contribute, push, and show why we love BMX. We sincerely appreciate any and all support... —Ryan Fudger, Jeff Zielinski, Adam Watkins, and Justin Benthien. http://instag
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