Varšavljanka - The Varsovian (Warszawianka in Slovene)
The version of Warszawianka used by the Yugoslav Partisans in Slovenia. This recording also includes some lines from the original Polish version of the song.
Performer: Trieste Partisan Choir (Tržaški Partizanski Pevski Zbor)
Year recorded: 1977
Composer: Józef Pławiński
Year composed: 1879
Lyricist: Mile Klopčič, based on Polish lyrics by Wacław Święcicki
Year written: 1943 (Slovene version), 1879 (Polish original)
Source: Vinyl record “Zemlja in Narodi / La Terra e i Popoli“
Picture: President of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito and Chairman of Poland Aleksander Zawadzki in Warsaw, Poland.
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1 year ago 00:02:13 1
Varšavljanka - The Varsovian (Warszawianka in Slovene)