TEEP (Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning) and Software Updates for Intern... Akira Tsukamoto

TEEP (Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning) and Software Updates for Internet of Things (SUIT) on RISC-V - Akira Tsukamoto, AIST The presentation is about the security technology to expand the are of RISC-V on the devices that require security sensitive software and data, IoT/Edge/Network/Automotive equiments. IETF is engineering and standardizing the TEEP (Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning) protocol and (SUIT) Software Updates for Internet of Things. The TEEP is to remotely install/update a TC (Trusted Component, which was previously called Trusted Application) and SUIT manifest is a format to bundle of metadata about code/data of the TC. The implementation started only on Arm and Intel, thus we have developed TEEP and SUIT on RISC-V. TEEP handshakes between TAM(Trusted Application Manager) and the Devices while installing and updating the TC with code signing and certificates based PKI key technology. The TC would be firmware, applications and/or personal data of the Devices to installation
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