Nearly - Level 79 Rogue Twink PvP - Classic WOTLK
79 Sub Rogue PvP
SPEC - 17/0/53
Head - Weakness Spectralizers
Neck - Forgotten Necklace of the Bandit
Shoulder - Eviscerator’s Shoulderpads
Back - The Gladiator’s Resolution
Chest - Brutal Gladiator’s Leather Tunic
Bracer - Eviscerator’s Bindings
Hands - Eviscerator’s Gauntlets
Belt - Ley-Whelphide Belt
Legs - Eviscerator’s Legguards
Boots - Eviscerator’s Treads
Rings - Bjarngrim Family Signet/Dream Signet of the Bandit
Daggers - Traditional Flensing Knife/Brutal Gladiator’s Shanker
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