Easy Loose URBAN SKETCHING Tutorial for Beginners (Simple Ink & Watercolor Process!)

How to sketch a shop front and a figure with ink & watercolor in this beginner friendly urban sketching tutorial. PATREON - Learn more! (In-depth tutorials, templates, references & feedback) INSTAGRAM: DOMESTIKA Fav Courses: (use code ‘sketchingscottie-10’ for 10% off) __________________________ SKETCHING MATERIALS: Uni-Ball Vision (Micro ) Stillman & Birn Beta (Wirebound) 7”x10” Uni-ball Signo White: Pentel Water Brush (L) Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors: (But only these colours in my palette: Cadmium Yellow Hue/Cadmium Orange Hue/Cadmium Red Hue/Permanent Rose/Purple Lake/Dioxazine Purple/Ultramarine/Prussian Blue/Viridian Hue/Emerald/Sap Green/Y
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