REAL MONGOLIAN YURT: Take a look inside | Shortcuts with Batush
A yurt, or ger, is a portable, circular dwelling. Yurts have been the primary style of home in Mongolia, for thousands of years.
You can watch another episode about Mongolian yurt-ger here:
Thank you Batgerel’s family!
Batuush’s INSTAGRAM:
ARTGER Tours is our customized Mongolia experience project designed specifically for a novice or intermediate adventure travelers. Get a first-hand feel for nomad life with the knowledge that this team has a wealth of experience in dealing with international visitors. Your hands might get dirty, but they’ll be safe! “Live like nomads, eat like Mongols!” Further info here:
Videographers: Javkha Ara, Natsagaa, Enhee Dania, Doke,
Translation/Editing: Eba, Brian Offenther aka BO,
Music: Epidemic Sound.