Since the dawn of time, two hidden castes have coexisted on Earth, unbeknownst to mankind. The Guardians, who dwell outside the boundaries of time and protect life on our planet, and the Marauders, who relentlessly pursue the Guardians across the ages, ruthlessly seizing whatever they desire. Locked in an eternal conflict, these castes have upheld a balance between good and evil. But one fateful day, Serafima emerges as the last surviving Guardian. If she falls, the Marauders will remain trapped in their respective ages, but the future of Earth will be shrouded in uncertainty. Serafima resolves to fight until her last breath, defeat her foes, and ultimately save Earth.
This game was released as participant in Yandex Retro Games Battle v3.
It was made by Zosya Entertainment in 2023.
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3 months ago 01:37:25 2
SERAPHIMA 128K **ENHANCED FINAL EDITION** (2023) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum
10 months ago 00:06:31 1