Bogren Digital - AmpKnob Rev C - Demo and Playthrough

#bogrendigital Hey guys! Today we’re taking a look at the new AmpKnob Rev C plugin from Bogren Digital! Not only does the plugin sound amazing, it is incredibly easy to use. This plugin is perfect for songwriting because it gets rid of tone chasing and opens the door for creativity, without having to spend time finding a tone that fits. I am hoping this is just the first in a long line of AmpKnob plugins from them. For me information, check out the link below! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download my cover songs for just $1 at You can also download the individual tracks to this song, the cabinet IR I use for covers, along with photos showing the settings of all the guitar plugins by supporting me on Patreon! Thanks to Jesus Lujan for supporting me on Patreon! ► ► ►
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