「ロックマンX8」Rockman X8 Playthrough (JAP) — Part 11, Sigma Palace - VAVA V, Real Sigma, Lumine (FIN)
I kinda wanted to do a reference to Vile’s Incident CD Drama at first, but it was too long.
It supposed to go like this:
「ロックマンX8」Rockman X8 Playthrough (JAP) — Part 11, Sigma Palace - VAVA’s Last Stand, Real Sigma, Lumine, its sin and rebirth (FIN)
Just felt like doing it originally.
Finally, we’re at the climax of this story.
Honestly, when I first played through this game, not only I caught some nightmare fuel at least by just looking at how Sigma’s face is now on the Moon at the stage select, jeez, but I also was like “Yeah! We gotta kill buncha Sigmas now, let’s goooooo!“. I clearly remember all of my emotions back there and after almost two years, it all came full circle. It’s just now I play in japanese version and on the Hard Mode.
So in english version, that navigation from our beautiful Navigators was fully voiced, although it still had a lot of static noise. Japanese version here is just lazy for some reason and that static is as loud as Dr. Right’s Capsules in X7.
And even through we’re on the freaking Moon, the psychics here are the same as on the Earth and even Sigma Palace has burning torches. So, can we just say that Repliroids somehow changed the gravity here?
And this stage is that moment where you’ll begin to see some differences between the difficulties. The Difficulty Level doesn’t just make your playthrough less, well, difficult, but it also unlocks more story bits at the last stage in the game.
When you’ll reach the entrance of Sigma Palace, old friend of ours greets us. He practically says the same thing to each of hunters, so, to not break the whole atmosphere of this stage, I also decided to not transition to other characters’ having almost the exact same dialogue. You can find all of the missing conversations here:
This fight is annoying but it’s pretty epic. VAVA V has the ability to remote-controll his Ride Armor, and the only way you’ll be able to make VAVA fight you without it is to guard-break it. Almost all enemies here will have the guard on so be ready for that.
The music used here is slightly pitched-up version of beta OST for VAVA’s fight. Just felt like doing it.
The differences between the difficulties start here.
Only on Hard Mode, after this battle, hunters will have a little chat between them. And then... they get seperated and VAVA is somehow still alive after all this. The fact the player now has to go through this stage ALONE after depending a lot on the switch mechanic is brutal.
But I was replaying the stage if I got X out of that room and not Axl.
You need to have Axl or Zero playable by your side because going through this stage as X will be more difficult. Because I’m going for Axl’s ending here, I’m playing the rest of the stage as him. He’s quite useful actually, especially with his Ray Guns that can DAMAGE THROUGH FLOORS and Blast Launcher that helps with breaking Copy Sigmas’ defence. His hover also helps when you need to get through the spike pits.
Eventually, I, as Axl, reach the throne room where the Real Sigma, looking more dead than alive, rests. The first part of the dialogue is unique to each of the hunters (here Sigma tells Axl about New Gens, how they were built from gingerhead’s blueprints, however Sigma shows the fact he wasn’t completely sure if the one who stands before him is the New Generation’s Prototype “they call “Axl“. If it’s Sigma having a casual memory loss about X7 or a hint to the fact X7 had Sigma’s Copy instead of the real one, then I don’t know what this is), but the second part that is exclusive to Hard Mode. Here Sigma mentions how New Gens are his “children“ because they have his DNA. Axl DOES NOT have his DNA so this is why Sigma doesn’t recognise him as such.
The fight starts.
MAN, this fight is brutal. This entire climax is hard for me to play while not letting my brain explode from what’s going on plot-wise X_X
The beginning of this fight is alright, but in the Hard Mode, Sigma captures the playable hunter and tries to kill him with his bare hands. But then, he gets resqued by the other hunter that was left in the room with VAVA! And then I can finally fight with both characters on my team. Nice!
The only move I don’t have any issues with is Sigma setting the walls on fire. Because of this, I grow tired of all this and just finish Sigma off with Double Attack. I won’t need it later anyway.
I’m really afraid I won’t have the place left to talk about the actual finale that the player will get to see if he beats Sigma on Easy Mode (Where the Real Sigma is the final boss which is not true for other difficulties. The game just trows a giant cliffhanger on you quicker than it should). I’ll just list some music changes here and for the finale and my own opinion about it, go to the comment section.
The final fight’s theme is the second half of “Justice of Dys World ~Climax Battle Medley~“ track from Rockman Dystopia and the credits theme is e-Capcom remix of “Theme of X8“.
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