Dev Vlog #02 - Pefect World to Unreal Engine 5 - Fishing Village

Taskboard: Email for suggestions: pwunrealengine@ Timecodes: 0:00 - Intro 0:59 - Taskboard 1:24 - Inventory system and storage 04:04 - NPC Shop 06:45 - Crafting system 07:40 - Flying mount 09:01 - Teleport 10:00 - Fishing Village: Foggy mode 15:02 - Rainy mode 17:49 - Sunny mode ENG: Second development video where I will show you the things I have made in the last 2 months, as well as the Fishing Village location in the MMORPG Perfect World on Unreal Engine 5! Best regards and enjoy watching! BR: Segundo vídeo de desenvolvimento, onde mostrarei o que fiz nos últimos 2 meses, bem como a loc...alização da Fisherman’s Village no MMORPG Perfect World no Unreal Engine 5! Abraços e divirtam-se assistindo! RUS: Второе видео о разработке, где я покажу вам то, что я сделал за последние 2 месяца, а также локацию Рыбацкой деревни в MMORPG Perfect World на Unreal Engine 5! С уважением и приятного просмотра! CN: 第二个开发视频,我将向您展示我在过去 2 个月中所做的工作,以及在虚幻引擎 5 上开发的 MMORPG《完美世界》中的渔人村地点! 祝您观看愉快! #perfectworld #UE5 #UE4 #unrealengine4 #​fishingvillage #international #brazilian #chinese #rus #en #pw #mmorpg #unrealengine #pwi #game #games #perfectworldmobile #mmorpggame #perfectworld2 #devlikefun #dev #like #fun #unrealengine5 #pwinunrealengine #pwinunreal #pwtounrealengine #pwtounreal
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