Ukrainian Mobiks Heroic Battle to Stop Tank Army in Luhansk
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Difficult fighting near Kupyansk. Major Russian armored attacks along a 100 KM front separating Luhansk and Kharkiv oblasts. Ukrainian reinforcements are urgently needed to plug the gaps.
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9 months ago 00:16:33 1
🧨Cпятивший Михалков, Земфира, Ахеджакова, орден гундяева, пиво для мобиков и сортирная история.
10 months ago 00:23:31 1
Ukrainian Mobiks Heroic Battle to Stop Tank Army in Luhansk
2 years ago 00:13:18 1
🧨Репутация русских матерей, повестки мертвым детям, поповское бесстыдство,избиение мобиков, Энгельс