serpentwithfeet - Amir | A COLORS SHOW

In the first installment of our collaborative series with @Burberry, L.A. based musician @serpentwithfeet shares a magical performance of ’Amir’ taken from his new album ‘DEACON’ We’ve partnered with Burberry on an exciting new project that amplifies a group of uniquely curated artists and supports their local communities⁠. Each featured artist has selected a local community-led, youth-focused arts initiative to receive a donation. serpentwithfeet has chosen to support Baltimore, MD based youth theatre organization, Arena Players Inc., and their Youtheatre program. Since 1974 Youtheatre has trained youth in the Baltimore and surrounding community with an interest in the performing arts. The program produces three annual shows with original work developed by participating youth and Arena Players creative staff. The impactful program has taken former participants from Broadway to international stages. Donations will go towards furthering their mission of training the next generation of performers. Learn mo
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