Anatoliy Vapirov - Mysteria (1977)

1. Mysteria (beginning) 0:00 2. Mysteria (ending) 21:30 Anatoliy Vapirov - tenor & soprano saxophone Boris Lebedinsky - guitar V. Dunayevsky - bass Daniel Martin - drums Anatoliy Vapirov was one of the most prominent jazz artists in the Soviet Union in the mid and late 70s. He taught saxophone and jazz improvisation classes in Leningrad Conservatorium of Music, and in parallel worked with jazz bands, openly displaying his affiliation with underground rock movement and keen interest in contemporarty avant-garde. In 1976 and 1977 respectively, Anatoliy somehow managed to release two LPs in the USSR with music more than somewhat different from what the state-owned Melodia label was known for. More challenging and ’deviant’ works in avant-jazz direction followed in late 70s and early 80s, and made their way to the West (via Leo Records, an independent British label) remaining unreleased in the Soviet Union. By that time, Vapirov’s intellectual independency and non-confor
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