Beginner Walstad Method Tank Setup for Koi Betta Fish - Callisto’s Den (Ep. 1)
Here we show how to build a simple no filter Walstad Method tank for our Koi Betta Fish (Callisto).
In this video, we prepare organic potting mix that is free of fertilisers for the dirt substrate and densely planted the tank to create a lush haven for my betta fish. We noticed some leaching of tannins with this setup that eventually cleared through regular water changes. This setup is very simple and beginner friendly for anyone interested in getting started with dirted tanks.
We are starting a new series of affordable low tech tank setups that are based on this simple dirted tank build. Our goal is to document the progress of each tank as we explore the importance of the soil substrate in creating a self-sustaining ecosystem. SUBSCRIBE to follow this tank progress and thanks for watching!
#nofilter #plantedaquarium #walstadmethod
More videos from the Callisto’s Den series:
Episode 1: Setup Video (this video)
Episode 2: 6 month Timelapse
We hope you enjoy watching this video! Be sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to stay updated with this tank series!
Materials used in this video:
- 5 gallon / 19L (27cm x 27cm x 27cm) Aquarium Glass Tank
- Organic Potting Mix
- Aqua One Gold Mix (sand)
- Natural Driftwood
- Lava Rock
- Natural Charcoal River Pebble (removed)
Plants used in this video:
- Cryptocoryne Green Gecko
- Subwassertang
- Bacopa
- Java Fern
- Wysteria
- Hornwort
- Guppy Grass
- Ludwigia
- Green Pennywort
All Music sourced from Youtube Audio Library
1 year ago 00:08:10 2
Beginner Walstad Method Tank Setup for Koi Betta Fish - Callisto’s Den (Ep. 1)