[Portrait] 01. Diabarha - Creeping Machinery

=== Note: available also on if you wanted to leave a dislike that’s visible to others. === For the last person alive, if he/she exists right there, is being chased by everyone else who has turned into machine years ago. When we’ll become robots? Is it done now? Free robots, that is - of course we are free. A human machine that can do anything... he’s going to see the doomsday sooner than others. Everything that comes from “liberty“ leads towards the other world of false idols and “easy“ life. Have you ever heard that some person loves you? No? It’s okay, many people have not. Yes? Why do you think it’s true? This is our doom, when we don’t love each other anymore, and when we state “love“ as freedom, and not an act of consecration - that makes us step closer to animals, while we are ones indeed, but also takes away what makes us humans. ____________________ Release name: SKRD!!!
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