4 Minute Face Exercise Routine to FIRM UP CORNERS OF MOUTH and DOUBLE CHIN
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Face symmetry facial exercise package link
Here’s link to my eye exercise package
Lip Rejuvination face exercises package.
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Jade and Gua Guasha: Face massage stones, 10% off link
These 4 minute Face exercises will benefit your lower half of the face. There are 4 levels to this exercises to help you reduce Double Chin,Sagging Jowls and Firm up the droopy corners of the mouth. You will also notice a slimmer face naturally and your jowls lifting into a V- Shape face. Face toning exercises help reduce cheek fat and reduce your double chin without needles, fillers or plastic surgery. Face yoga is effective. Schedule a one on one consultation or group session with me. You can reach me on my website to work with me.
#blushwithmefaceyoga #faceyogablushwithme #doublechinexercise #faceyoga #jowls
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Check out my playlist or similar videos to look better with age.
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00:00- 00:54 introduction to 4 levels of exercises
00:06- 02:20 level 1 of tongue movement
03:05- 04:05 level 2
05:15-06:15 level 3
07:16-08:16 level 4
09:10- 09:50 packages on facial symmetry, eye exercises and lips
10:39-11:00 work with me
💥 My Amazon store:
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3 weeks ago 00:00:52 1
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