triMirror Virtual Fitting Room with Kinect Motion Control

As in a magic mirror, shoppers were able to try on real clothes from the mall’s Guess and Gap stores, get personalized size and style recommendations, and mix and match outfits. They could zoom in and see the high definition texture of the garment, see it in x-ray or transparent mode and how it drapes around the body, and in tension map mode that shows where the clothes are tight or loose – all while moving, and in real-time! They could even grab the fabric and manipulate it, stretch it, and adjust the fit to get a realistic idea of the feel of the garment. By partnering with Microsoft at Walden Galleria, triMirror was able to use its lounge, large screens, as well as the Microsoft Kinect 2.0 camera to enable gesture control, face scanning, and a higher level of interactivity. The shoppers were able to use gestures to control their avatars’ animated movements, to select the virtual clothes to try on, and to navigate the rest of the user interface. Moreover, they were able to get their faces scanned into 3D an
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