Mutzerbahn - “Cat-aclysm“ in Such station, waiting for a model train to come.
Cat vs. model train : “Cat-aclysm“ is chilling in Such station until the train come!
Katze vs. Gartenbahn : “Cat-aclysm“ chillt in Susch Bahnhof, bis der Zug kommt!
Chat vs. train miniature : “Cat-aclysme“ en mode pèpère avant qu’un train arrive!
#mutzerbahn #lgb #train #model #gartenbahn #gscale #rhb #blonay #kissmodelbahn #brawa #umbauten #traindejardin #outdoor #draussen #rhätischebahn #lgbtrain #1225 #blonaychamby #schoellenenbahn #massoth #dekoder #decoder #chat #cat #katze
11 months ago 00:00:20 2
Mutzerbahn - “Cat-aclysm“ in Such station, waiting for a model train to come.
1 year ago 00:03:36 1
G-scale snow plowing by RhB for MOB train... - Mutzerbahn