Prestigious Art Troupes - Glory to the Party of the People (인민은 우리 당에 영광드리네)

A rather old and obscure song in praise of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Its inclusion here somewhat surprised me as, amid a flurry of iconic music, it is not remotely popular and, to be frank, not an especially good song. Perhaps it is making a resurgence as it was also briefly heard in the recent 9.9 concert. Evenso, it feels largely out of place here and seems to be another misfit for the event, as the occasion was not remotely related to the Workers’ Party. Nevertheless, it’s interesting seeing such an archaic unknown song be performed in such a modern grandiose way. I especially like the dancers with the flowers. TL Note: Although the title can be literally translated as ’People Give Glory to Our Party’, I opted for an alternative with a slight change in meaning in accordance with English grammar. From the DPRK New Year Concert 2023 (2023년 신년경축대공연) DPRK Music 북한음악
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