Junkfood Horrorfest Official Movie Trailer SRS Cinema Scarlet Fry
Coming soon from SRS Cinema!
Scarlet Fry takes you on the thrill of your life with Blood Thirsty Cannibals, Satanic Zombies, Demented Nurses, Junkie Serial Killers, Freaky Perverts and More! This Blood Drenched Deluxe thrill ride is definitely not for the weak at heart. When a dealer hands a junkie serial killer (Calico Cooper) a videotape entitled “JunkFood Horrorfest,“ six twisted tales are soon unleashed. Prepare yourself for a bloody, demented nightmare hosted by Scarlet Fry.
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1 year ago 00:02:58 2
Junkfood Horrorfest Official Movie Trailer SRS Cinema Scarlet Fry