threezero DLX Jetpower Optimus Prime Instructional Video
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Jetfire has received wide praise, and been a hot topic for discussion since its announcement. threezero appreciates all your support, and has prepared an official video to introduce this product. Please enjoy and feel welcome to share!
In addition to the demonstration of approximately 65 points of articulation to show its high mobility, this video also presents how to properly disassemble the figure and integrate it with the previous release, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Optimus Prime, to accurately reproduce the heroic appearance in the film.
DLX utilizes a unique metal frame design, and combined with threezero’s detailed paint application, we have achieved a remarkable replication of the characters as seen on screen. Both products are sold separately, so be sure to pick up both and add DLX Jetfire Optimus Prime to your display!
For product details:
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