Iltemas ud DUA in Al Youm e Aashura for Economic Upliftment of Global Families and Businesses

Global Universities conducting SAMS Climate Smart Biz Expo and Conference from August 23-31, 2021 will enroll their Students in SAMS TQLMA Club with 10 PURE Gold Coins (20 CA$) to enable them to own 1000 PGCs New Year Coin via earning 5300 PGCs in SAMS WoL Farm School Solaroof Health Center in their Campus. SMEs can join SAMS TQLMA Club with 5300 PURE Gold Coins (US$7200) to participate in SAMS Climate Smart Biz Expo & Conference to select the STEM Graduate to double their income in 1000 Days. STEM Graduates will be linked with Global SMEs to acquire Permanent Resident Status of Sierra Leone to enjoy Inflation Free Total Quality Life in their 5G Proof Home in Bembeye Hill Climate Smart Campus Town.
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