Mixed Nuts - SPY×FAMILY OP [Piano] / Official Hige Dandism

Sheet music → A very elegant person is playing the piano. That’s it. That’s the video description. Coincidentally, the concert outfit I am always wearing for my videos proves to be very useful now and I can finally feel the true meaning of “elegance” for the very first time. Thank you Spy X Family for enlightening me! 「Mixed Nuts」 from Official Hige Dandism is an insanely fun piece to play on the piano and I simply love the groovy bassline of the song. Once again, I tried to combine as many musical elements from the original piece as possible without needing more than 2 hands. (Sometimes I wish I have three hands though) The beginning part in 0:08 (aka the car chase in the opening animation) is literally chaos incarnate on the piano and honestly, I have no idea what I was actually playing… I actually wanted to smash the keys randomly but at the end I still created some sort of a pattern. I guess the inner perfectionism in me doesn’t allow completely randomized piano pat
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