For a platform without rules and restrictions check out this upcoming goodness:
I know this is a long video. Apologies, but I know most folks watch an average os 2-4 minutes anyway.
Just decided to share a raccoon encounter at work and some camping/survival knives and other products.
If anyone has similar interests, let me know. I plan on doing more of this type of video, just maybe lot shorter.
Guns, survival, camping, fishing, ?
The paracord products were designed and hand made by Big Ferg over at Big Fergs Kordz. Check him out and show him some love:
The Opinel knife I won at this site:
Titan Survival :
Hoedown by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
8 months ago 00:07:58 25
2 years ago 00:21:21 6
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