新疆女兵被强制喂饭?这是真的!精忠报国,航母上的新疆姑娘们/Loyal minority soldiers! Xinjiang girls on Chinese aircraft carriers

今年,中国首艘航母辽宁舰已入列11周年,中国首艘航母山东舰也已经服役了3年多,003号航母—福建舰也即将交付海军。辽宁舰和山东舰培养了一批批优秀的航母女兵,这些女舰员也有来自新疆的少数民族姑娘们。 从巍巍天山到深蓝大海,航母上新疆姑娘们开拓进取,顽强拼搏,每一次奋斗都是怒放的青春!她们的梦想也随着中国航母驶向更远的深蓝! 中国海军的日益强大离不开各族同胞的努力和奉献,让我们一起走近几名现役和退役的新疆维吾尔族女兵,哈萨克族女兵,柯尔克孜族族女兵,聆听属于她们的航母故事。 This year marks the 11th anniversary of China’s first aircraft carrier Liaoning, China’s first aircraft carrier Shandong has been in service for more than three years, and No. 003 aircraft carrier Fujian is about to be delivered to the Navy. The Liaoning ship and the Shandong ship have trained batches of outstanding female aircraft carrier soldiers, and these ...female crew members also include girls from ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. From the majestic Tianshan Mountains to the deep blue sea, the Xinjiang girls on the aircraft carrier forge ahead and fight tenaciously. Every struggle is a blooming youth! Their dreams also follow the Chinese aircraft carrier to sail further to the deep blue! The growing strength of the Chinese Navy is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of compatriots of all ethnic groups. Let us approach several active and retired Xinjiang Uyghur female soldiers, Kazakh female soldiers, and Kirgiz female soldiers to listen to their aircraft carrier stories #女兵 #航母 #新疆 新疆女兵被强制喂饭?这是真的!精忠报国,航母上的新疆姑娘们/Loyal minority soldiers! Xinjiang girls on Chinese aircraft carriers
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