רק רבינו ינחמנו - Nanach Is Our Only Consolation In memory of the 4 martyrs of Har Nof 2014
HH On Tuesday, November 18, 2014 a little after 7 a.m. two arabs armed with big meat cleavers and a gun entered a synagogue in Har Nof, Jerusalem and tried to massacre all the congregants – who were in middle of praying wearing pray shawls – talisim and tefilin – phylacteries, they killed four and severely injured many others, on their way out they killed a druze policeman.
The four murdered al kidush Hashem – in sanctification of G-d: R’ Moshe Twersky, R’ Kalman Levine, R’ Aryeh Kupinsky (who was in Yeshiva with me), Avram Shmuel Goldberg. May the memory of the righteous be a blessing, and may H”Y avenge their blood, amen.
It is worth noting that at the beginning of the week the zionist municipality of Tiberias commissioned arabs to demolish a synagogue being built on the holy tomb of Rabbi Akiva who was martyred by the Romans, who raked his body with iron combs.
ב“ה ביום ג’ לפרש
4 years ago 00:03:03 3
רק רבינו ינחמנו - Nanach Is Our Only Consolation In memory of the 4 martyrs of Har Nof 2014