#중국 #티베트 #분리독립
중국은 왜 티베트를 포기 못할까? | 중국, 티베트, 분리독립
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📑 참고문헌 📑
Albert, E. (2016, May 9). Water Clouds on the Tibetan Plateau. Council on Foreign Relations.
Desk, O. W. (2022, May 23). Explained: The China-Tibet 17-Point Agreement, The Conflict’s History, And India’s Place In It.
Donnellon-May, G. (2022, December 17). China’s Five-Year National Water Security Plan. The Diplomat.
Jacob, C. (2023, June 13). The scarcity of water is emerging as a global economic threat. With China and India looking the most at risk. CNBC.
Lin, J., Bryan, B.A., Zhou, X. et al. Making China’s water data accessible, usable and shareable. Nat Water 1, 328–335 (2023).
Myers, S. L. (2021, July 28). China Flooding Has Killed Hundreds and Tested Three Gorges Dam. The New York Times.
Raymond, A. (2020). The Origins of the 17-Point Agreement of 23 May 1951 between the Chinese Central Government and the Tibetan “Local Government”. The China Quarterly, 241, 236-246. doi:
Reddy, G. C. a. G. (2023, April 19). China’s Growing Water Crisis: A Chinese Drought Would Be a Global Catastrophe. Foreign Affairs.
Singh, A. P. & Tembey, U. (2020, Jul. 23) India-China relations and the geopolitics of water. Lowy Institute.
Storey, H. (2022, Sep 29) Water scarcity challenges China’s development model. (n.d.). Lowy Institute.
공봉진. (2009). 중국 소수민족주의와 중화민족주의. 국제정치연구, 12(1), 137-160.
고성빈. (2014). 티베트분쟁: 중국의 담론패권 vs. 티베트인의 자유의지. 국제 지역 연구, 23(3), 95-129.
박장배. (2018). 20세기 전반기 티베트의 민족 인식과 국가 형성.동양사학연구, 143, 141-175.
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2 years ago 00:12:48 1
중국은 왜 티베트를 포기 못할까? | 중국, 티베트, 분리독립
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