Штраус Р.Интермеццо. г.
Штраус Р.
Christine-Felicity Lott.
Robert Storch-John Pringle.
Anna-Elizabeth Gale.
Franzl-Rupert Ashford.
Therese-Maria Jagusz.
Fanny-Yvonne Howard.
Marie-Delith Brook.
Baron Lummer-Ian Caley.
The Lawyer’s Wife-Rae Woodland.
Resi-Catherine Pierard.
Commercial Counsel-Ian Caddy.
The Opera Singer-Andrew Gallacher.
Stroh, The Conductor-Glenn Winslade.
Legal Counsellor-Brian Donlan.
The Lawyer:-Roger Bryson.
Дирижер-Gustav Kuhn.
1983 г.