Ziggy Cat & Bill T Miller of Orgy Of Noise studio recording session at Headroom Studios Boston on December 5, 2015 (couple days before ZBC Radio appearance) -
BTM RIG with FieldScaper iPad App with Ziggy Cat Purr & Leaf Blower Drone Samples controlled by Arturia Mini Lab Keyboard & custom BTM Spring-O-Phone instrument with Korg Mini-Kaoss Pad for Delay. (Moog Mother-32 Synth is pictured, but not used on this composition.)
Directed & Edited by Bill T Miller
Cameras: Bill T Miller & Sheri Hausey
Co-Producer / Assistant Editor: Ziggy Cat
X-tra THANX to Ziggy & Sheri H
and Igor Vasiliev for creating FieldScaper & SoundScaper apps
Bonus THANX to ZBC Voidstar DJs Deftly D & Josh B - i appeared on
their VOIDSTAR Radio show two day later back n 2015.Show more