Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown.
ECAFE [Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East] meeting in India. Bangalore.
MS Nehru is introduced to various delegates. CU Nehru speaking to delegates. LS A United Nations Dakota plane taxiing. LS Mr Dag Hammarskjold (Secretary General of the United Nations) alighting from plane and being welcomed by Dr. Lokenathan and others. LS Hammarskjold with garlands of flowers round his neck, starts to take them off. LS Hammerskjold walking along, and being introduced to High Officials of Indian Government. LS Activity in square of Bangalore. LS People watching. LS Hammarskjold, Nehru and others walking along road. LS Hammarskjold Nehru and others in the Lalnagh Gardens.
MS Hammerskjold in front of microphones speaking. Various shots of delegates at the meeting. LS Hammarskjold on platform speaking. LS Meeting in progress. LS and MS Nehru speaking. MS Hammarskjold speaking, pan to Nehru listening. LS Hammarskjold speaking. LS and GV