Flames: Klaroline (3x22)

Comments are very loved :) I know, I know, another Klaroline vid, but I love this pairing lol and I waited to vid it for so long... Anyway, most of the vid is done in slow motion, which is different for me haha. Hopefully it worked. The ending follows the course of the show, with Klaus taking up residence in Tyler’s body and becoming Tyler!Klaus lol. The last thing that Tyler says to Caroline (you’re strong, you have a bright future, etc) is actually Klaus, if you didn’t know already. The scene with Tyler and Caroline is actually really Klaus and Caroline kissing as well. I know having Klaus take over Tyler’s body isn’t popular, but I think it could be really cool, as long as it doesn’t last too long, Klaus doesn’t super abuse things with Caroline, and, of course, Joseph Morgan returns to play Klaus within the first few episodes lol. Barring all those things, I think it could be a really neat idea. I hope you enjoy the vid!
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