“SILENTIUM!“ Федор Тютчев /Fyodor Tyutchev

Scroll down for English Translation. Music: “Earnest“ Kevin MacLeod, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Images: Mila Gee “SILENTIUM!“ Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal the way you dream, the things you feel. Deep in your spirits let them rise akin to stars in crystal skies that set before the night is blurred: delight in them and speak no word. – How can a heart expression find? How should another know your mind? Will he discern what quickens you? A thought once uttered is untrue. Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred: drink at the source and speak no word. – Live in your inner self alone within your soul a world has grown, the magic of veiled thoughts that might be blinded by the outer light, drowned in the noise of day, unheard… take in their song and speak no word. ______ Fyodor Tyutchev (1830), translated by Vladimir Nabokov
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