1. Daniel Makabe vs. Derrick Shaw
2. High 5 (Draven Vargas & Patrick Large) vs. The Golden Guys (Mickey Mantoya & Rashad Tyson)
3. Joey Thorton vs. Max Burnside
4. The Dregs (Austin Oso & Charly Avell) vs. The Flamin’ Aces (Spencer Scott & Zaye Perez)
5. Abigail Warren, Amira & Laynie Luck vs. The Academy (Dr. Kliever, Nick Radford & Thom Alman)
6. Drexl vs. Back to School Brian
7. Keita Murray vs. Pitfall Jones
8. Murphy Madson & The Wrong Side (Kris Brady & Zebadiah Saint) vs. The Co-Op (Anna Beretta, Carl Randers & Troy Matic)
9. Caden Cassidy (c) vs. Drake Kwon (DOA Pure Wrestling Title Match)
10. Konami Code (Air Jordayn & CJ Edwards) (c) vs. The Bash Bros (Chris Ross & Dave Turner) vs. The Hammer Brothers (Jack Hammer & Sledge Hammer) (DOA Tag Team Title Three Way Match)
11. Rebel Kel (c) vs. Nick Radford (DOA Grand Title Match)