Black Tongue - Parting Soliloquy - 9 String Guitar cover
I don’t own this song. All rights by Black Tongue
Signal Chain:
Dunlop Gator Grip
My selfmade 9 string guitar in “Meshuggah tune, but with 1 more string“ so standard d# to D#, A#, F, C
Made out of Finnish birch. Bolt-on neck. 26“ - 28“ inch Multiscale, EMG909X pickup, Locking Tuners, and straplocks. Inside the neck is 2 carbon fiber sticks
TC Electronic - Dark matter Distortion (as a clean boost)
Joyo banTamP ZOMBIE mini head (at full gain)
From effect send straight to:
Behringer U-PHORIA UMC1820
Reaper as a DAW
Pulse by Lancaster Audio
Cabinet impulse of ENGL Pro 4X12 cab IR blended with Randall 667 4X12 cab IR
Some multiband compressor on the low end, Blue cat Audios BCchorus effect automated on top of the feedbacks, amongst other things audio relevant
Original song is panned 10% to left and my playing is panned 20% to right
#BlackTongue #Nadir #PartingSoliloquy