Kill Bill - 修羅の花 Shura no Hana (Flower of Carnage)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) set to Kaji Meiko 修羅の花 Shura no Hana (Flower of Carnage)(1973)
Lyrics Japanese/English Translation:
死んでいた , 朝に とむらいの雪が降る(Shinde ita asa ni tomurai no yuki ga furu )-
In the dead morning, I see snow of vengeance falling from the sky
はぐれ犬の遠吠え 下駄の音きしむ(Hagure inu no tooboe Geta no oto kishimu )-Stray dogs howl and the sound of my Geta (wooden clogs)groaning
いんがなおもさ みつめて歩く(Inga na omosa mitsumete aruku )-I walk on with my eyes focused on the weight of my karma
闇を抱きしめる 蛇の目の傘一つ(Yami o dakishimeru Janome no kasa hitotsu )-Embracing darkness, just a wooden umbrella in my hand
いのちの道を行く女 涙はとうに捨てました(Inochi no michi wo yuku onna namida wa tooni sutemashita)-I am a woman who treads the road of destiny;it has been long since I cast away my tears
ふりむいた川に 遠ざかる旅の灯が(Furimuita kawa ni toozakaru tabinohima )-I look back at the river mirroring reflections of the receding lights of the journey
凍てた鶴は動かず 哭いた雨と風(Itetsuita tsuru wa ugogazu naita ame to kaze )-Cranes stand still in the freezing cold, rain and wind cry out loud
冷えた水面(みずも)に ほつれ髪映し(Kieta mizu mo ni hotsure ga miutsushi )-Shadow of my disheveled hair on the icy water surface
涙さえ見せない 蛇の目の傘一つ(Namida sae misenai Janome no kasa hitotsu)-I won’t even shed a drop of a tear, just a wooden umbrella in my hand
怨みの道を行く女 心はとうに捨てました(Urami no michi wo yuku onna kokoro wa tooni sutemashita)-I am a woman who treads the road of Vegeneance;It has been long since I discarded my heart
義理も情けも 涙も夢も(Giri mo nasake mo namida mo yume no )-Obligations and mercy, tears and dreams
昨日も明日も 縁のない言葉(Kinou mo ashita mo henno nai kotoba )-I am stranger to them yesterday or tomorrow
怨みの川に身をゆだね(Urami no kawa ni mi o yudanete )-I entrust myself to the river of vengeance
女はとうに捨てました(Onna wa tooni sutemashita)-It has been long since I abandoned my womanhood
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