RAF Pageant Aerobatics (1920-1930)

Royal Air Force war pageant / training. London. MS looking up at planes flying in formation. Title - ’The war of the future’. MS three aeroplanes in sky in distance; one going into tailspin. Shots of planes swooping down near ground and dropping bombs. MS parachutes floating down. Closer shot paratrooper landing; some men on ground rush over to meet him. Various shots of scenes from a mock battle between ship and planes. Tracking shot of aeroplane flying; dropping bombs. Explosions on ship (which is actually on the ground). Lots of smoke. Title - ’Hendon. For RAF pageant June 30th. “Close-up“ pictures of bombing display - taken at risk by Pathe cameraman.’ MS mechanic sitting on ground putting row of bombs under wing of aeroplane. Wide shot side view several planes taking off to right. 5 planes flying in a line. Tracking shot plane flying. Shot from plane looking down at the field. Outline of a ship drawn on ground; with a few spots marked on it - targets? CU bombs dropping from plane.
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