0:10 Kim Hyun Joong’s Words :
Hello, this is Sergeant Kim Hyun Joong, now discharged from active duties. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the reporters and fans who have come to a remote place in this cold weather. I was enlisted during the difficult times and learned a lot of things. It’s another new beginning, the beginning of the 2nd half of life, in this feeling, I completed my army duties. Honestly, I still feel worried a lot and afraid, but there are the things I have learned in army. And I have give a lot of thoughts of the ways to move forward and made resolutions, so I would appreciate if many people and my fans believe in me and pay kind attention to me. I thank you again that you came out here in this cold day. Thank you.
2:32 (Q: Say words for the fans who have been supporting)
Say words for fans who have been supporting me... When I was enlisted, I couldn’t say parting words, so felt sorry. But though late, after 21 months, I can say hello to you now,
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