What can you possibly say about the greatness of Sergio Aragones? Mainstay of Mad Magazine (marginally, of course), creator of Groo the Wanderer and artist behind too many other things to mention... he might be the closest thing we have to a modern day renaissance man. He is an interesting guy; an hour long video isn’t nearly enough time with him, but I promise it flies by. He is funny, talented and extremely humble.
This video used to be on YouTube (much of the rest of the series is, if you look around) and is now mysteriously missing, so I fired up the capture card to right this wrong. Stan the Man is clearly enamored with Sergio... who wouldn’t be? Very entertaining, particularly when Sergio heads to the drawing board. One of my favorite episodes of this series. The whole series is a bit of a hidden gem.
I will hopefully be uploading the Chris Claremont episode in a few days... I’ve also got to track down the Will Eisner one... hopefully soon. In the meantime, please enjoy!
2 weeks ago 00:21:58 34
On Writing with Sergey & Jill, part 1
4 weeks ago 00:00:56 43
А я так просто... Железный Человек! Тони щёлкает пальцами. Мстители: финал (2019) 4k HDR