Japanese version has less “BURN TO THE GROUND“. It even sounds a lot better.
But it does not save this entire stage.
Для русских. Включайте субтитры для перевода. На русском они есть ^.^
About emulation, I think I can emulate X7 without any fear because I own Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 that does not want to run the games I needed well. Although I know this will not work when I’ll eventually need to record Command Mission. Blame CAPCOM for not re-releasing this game, Irregular Hunter X and GameBoy titles that are important.
There’re some audio lags here and there, and I now know
... how to solve that problem, but I don’t want to suffer my way through this game again (especially the last two stages). You still can read the subtitles.
Only voiced dialogues will be translated. Not Alia’s navigation, nor Dr. Right’s Capsules’ messages.
Timestamps for the story bits:
Irregular Dialogues: 10:12
Scenes after the stage: 16:45
This was a nightmare to go through. Why am I always having troubles with Fire-elemental bosses?
I don’t really remember bullshit parts here (aside from the one with one injured Repliroid standing nearby the time-bombs and those ray-pole things that can stun you). But I remember how much pain this stage caused me.
Which leads me to...
The most infamous part of X7 - Flame Hyenard. Here his voiceclips are much more calmed down and he also sounds different while talking to each of the hunters. He literally says the same thing, but his intonations are varying from character to character (with Axl dialogue being the calmest of them all).
But Hyenard is in the worst condition comparing to every other member of Red Alert. Virus literally causes him a physical pain... Why though?
I don’t really remember how it went, but in some asian countries there’s a believe that each human being has 3 flames on their body - one flame on the head and two other on the shoulders. These flames protect the human from being possesed by evil spirits. If someone puts a hand on the flame, it dies (not permanently, but until it’s no longer covered) which opens the passage for evil spirits to posses the human.
Hyenard only has one shoulder burning (and let’s count that the flames he’s generating on his back are related to the head). So it probably means that he got “possesed“ by Irregular Virus after one of his flames on his shoulders died.
It’s just a food for your thought. I’ll need to talk about Hyenard’s boss battle.
What is going on here?
I’m fine with Hyenard fighting nearby the sea of lava, I’;m fine with him throwing... is this burning Molotov Cokctail? It looks like it for me.
But... A giant Gazelle Mechaniloid that walks on lava and can shoot rockets until it has its... horns... and Hyenard’s ability to create clones of himself...
That’s some strong drink you have here, Capcom.
And because Hyenard is the way he is, this fight is awful. There’s a strategy, but after you had broken Gazelle’s ’horns’, it’s just an awfully repetetive fight. At least japanese version has a better soundmixing, although I wouldn’t really mind to slowly decend into the madness while trying to kill him :D
But eventually, I beat him. And the bosses with their stages won’t become any easier from there. That’s actually what I like about this order I’ve chosen (starting on Gungaroon, finishing on Karasting). I haven’t gotten similar results from playing in other Rockman games in one particular order that would make the other half of the game harder... That’s wierd.
X and Axl recieve Circle Blaze, while Zero recieves his Giga Attack for this game - Bakuenjin. While X and Axl’s weapons are pretty neat (although I still didn’t use any of them in the normal play, before the boss fights), Zero’s Giga Attack is pathefic. It looks pretty strong, but it really isn’t. Can it be because I wasn’t really leveling up Zero? Maybe. But still, I was able to drain the next boss’ HP much more successfully than with THAT BOSS’ WEAKNESS.
We get our first flashback so we can see how and why Red Alert had fallen. Here Red can really start to remind you of General from Repliforce but still kinda different. Like really, even that message from Red after the intro stage makes you think that you’ve kinda heard something like this before... Kinda makes sense ’cuz Red is rumored to be from Repliforce which will make him the longest surviving member of that organisation known to us.
So, he meets up with “The Professor“ on accident. Red doesn’t know who the heck that strange man is so he tells him to get lost. The Professor, however, insists on helping Red Alert...
You all see who that “Professor“ is?
I don’t. That’s a completely new person for me. Can you tell who he is?
Sorry for the dumb jokes. Of course Red Alert had met practically the same fate as Repliforce. Of course.Show more