Your problem is not that you are in the wrong place or doing it “wrong.” Your problem is that you are at the halfway point frustrated you are not “there“
But where? Where do you want to be? And when you get there…do you think that then you will be happy?
You can be impoverished, with nothing, no family, no love and be happy. And you can have millions of dollars sitting on the beach on some private island you literally own and be complaining about the sand and the heat.
You can choose to find joy, you can choose to find misery. Regardless of circumstances we all have these choices in every moment.
The way to get things is to feel you already have them, to feel complete. In the now. It’s not to be desireless. To not want good things. To not feel deserving... but we must have patience. Otherwise, we sacrifice today’s peace for tomorrow’s comfort. And that won’t come because our emotional pattern will have remained unchanged.
How long do the roots grow be