1976-01-23 e2: after this three stages (public program, Delhi, India)
...But, what happens with the rise of Kundalini?
First of all, when you enter into that infinite thing, the people, some people rise like steep, we can say, a very strong jet, like speed they get. But some of them rise very slowly and then we can see the stages into which they rise.
The first thing that happens is that you become thoughtless, but you are aware. First stage that happens is thoughtless awareness. Thoughtless awareness means that you start watching the thoughts. That means you are separated from yourself. Like you were in the water and now you jumped on to the boat and you see the water now, so that you are separated. This is what happens those who have gradual ascent. You become thoughtlessly aware, which we call in the hatha yoga as “asampragyat samadhi.” Of course, according to them its a very higher stage. But, you become thoughtlessly aware and the vibrations start flowing from your hand, by which you know that something is flowing. You start getting Cool Breeze from Me and you start getting Cool Breeze from other Sahaja yogis, and when you give it to others you find it is flowing. This we can say is the first thing that happens. That means you become collectively conscious of another personality. This is the first thing that happens.
The second stage in which into you jump is Nirvikalpa, means in that state you become doctor. Then you don’t ask Me questions. There are some people who are like that here. So they have no questions, they have felt it, they have known it, I say, in a different way, that supposing I give you a thousand rupees. Now, if you do not spend it how would you know what is the value of that? You will say what you have given a thousand, what is the real you have just given us vibrations? But once you start using it, then you see tremendous powers you have got. And the powers of this so-called, I mean what you call this ordinary vibrations, some people think like that. It is so easily available, it happens to you so Sahaja, that you do not understand the value of it. But once you start using them and then you see the tremendous thing that you have got it. It gives the bliss and the joy that flows into you.
You come into the state of doubtless awareness. The third one, I would say, when the complete Self Realization is established. Now, in the thoughtless awareness, as you can say that, now supposing now as you have got justice sitting here. So then he is a justice, he has certain powers. In the same way, when you arise to the doubtless, thoughtless awareness you have certain powers by which you can give awakening to people. You just move your hands and the Kundalini of a people will move. Is surprise? But it does. You can move the hands and you can feel the Kundalini, you can feel the Kundalini of other persons, you can feel the chakras of another person. It happens only with thoughtless awareness. But with doubtless awareness you start giving them Realization.
Absolutely, you can just like that you can. And with higher Self Realization, what happens? That you just become a sakshi. No problem. You never catch anything. You see, normally what happens when a persons come to you, you place your hands toward that person and you feel, oh, disgusting, this fellow is burning. You don’t like it because you see the chakras of that person are burning on your fingers and you know it is burning. Then you sometimes you catch also, you get involved into it. But later on when you are completely Self-Realised, you become a Nirlepa. You do not, do not catch any such things and you rise into the realm where you are into complete Vairagya, you are just flowing, you are in the sakshi state of it.
But after this three stages is the stage of God’s realization in which you start controlling the nature completely. Some people, of course, through hatha yoga they try to control certain natures, but that is just upside down. We start it from the top and go down. First of all, let us go to the divine state and then come down. Then establish into the, we control the nature, see if you can control the, say rain, you can control the sun. You see, all these things can be done. But, that is, you see, you lose interest in doing it. But automatically you can do it...
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