Andrea Taeggi_The Mindless Pursuit of New Pleasures_

Andrea Taeggi_Biomimetics_ I infringe the Copyright. Send message to: lorenzosimeoni64@ I will remove video. Thank you.. aaanD Live long & Prosper . - What strategy would nature adopt, in order to address the ecological and socio-economic issues afflicting our times? It looks as if ’we’ as a species are consistently avoiding the question, smothered by the childish, egocentric and myopic needs of an unsustainable monetary system. The music on this album was inspired by Biomimetics (aka Biomimicry), which sees nature as the primal teacher when it comes to imitating forms & shapes, ...but also learning from complex processes (like photosynthesis in a leaf) and even to mimicking larger arrangements at the ecosystem level (eg building nature-inspired cities)
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